On today’s overcrowded roads, when you’re surrounded by traffic and elbow-to-elbow with other motorcyclists, you need to be the best version of you. Always alert, totally focused, and ready to respond. The same is true of your bike. PETRONAS Sprinta with UltraFlex™ technology is engineered to come alive – reacting immediately to flex to the different demands of all your bike’s critical areas, providing instant response for exceptional defense and performance so you can get ahead.
Why is it the right choice?
On a motorcycle the lubricant needs to instantly react to the multitude demands of the bike’s critical areas: engine, clutch and gears. Conventional oils don’t necessarily manage all of these areas all at once.
- Instant performance: it activates instantly, flowing smoothly and consistently to lubricate the engine, surging to the clutch to create grip that prevents slippage and maintains power, and reaching the gears to deliver responsive shifting
- Instant defense: it instantly delivers outstanding deposit and viscosity control to resist stress and heat – protecting moving parts against wear to keep maintenance bills down
- Instant care: it has a formulation that meets the latest global environmental standards. We’re committed to sustainable mobility, investing in innovative R&T projects to improve air quality for riders all over the world.

PETRONAS Sprinta with UltraFlex™ technology is the unique oil formulation that reacts instantly and flexibly – responding to the multitude of demands in all of the bike’s critical areas – the engine, clutch and gears – all at once for exceptional defense and performance so you can get ahead.